
” Above all else, my deepest aspiration is to awaken the muse within you “

🤸‍♂️ The Abandoned | 11 years

Welcome to the ‘Pledge for Naivety’ series, where I’ll be sharing my drawings from childhood with you. If my childhood had coincided with a time of war, the opportunity to experience and cherish naivety may never have been possible.

Dit verhaal gaat over kinderen die te vondeling werden gelegd, en zo bij andere families terecht komen. Zelfs bij Koninklijke families. En Filomien die haar beste vriendin vindt. En de beroemde Tresja van het Weeshuis van de Hits, die blijkbaar een dubbelleven leidt.

This story is about children who are abandoned and end up with other families. This also happens in the Royal family. And the Crown Princess who finds her best friend. And the famous Tresja from the Orphanage of Hits, who leads a double life.

Around this age. This was the best thing I ever did, I remember. Just being in this color palette on high speed.


On a cold night in december, a woman called Vrouwe gives birth to twins. But the midwife needs to take one child away, because otherwise Vrouwe will die, according to the midwife. And the husband is very sad.

Please take good care of her, the husband of Vrouwe says to the midwife. Don’t worry she replies.

The midwife says she can’t do anything with the child, and lays it in the streets, like she seems to do often.

Meanwhile there is a queen who gave birth to a child named Tamara, who seems to be very weak. The crownprinses says she will pray for her. The Queen says ‘Yes child, life is sometimes very hard.’

In the salon. The doctor says to the King that the child was too weak. The King is in denial, and wants to replace the death child with a child from the orphanage. Than the phone rings.

CoĂŻncidentally the King receives a phonecall of the orphanage, were there seem to be a foundling which is a girl. And the King is offering money.

Some time later the baby is brought to the Castle. In the garden it is prohibited to walk on the dahlia’s. The staff member is very kind.

The girl says puzzled to the staff that she don’t understands why people just put such sweet baby’s in the streets. the staff member says she needs to be quiet because the Queen should have peace. But the little prinses heard it, while she was on the toilet.

In the Salon. The Prinses asks the girl ‘So you’ve found the little child, which will be my sister. The girl says ’that’s correct.’

the Prinses says her name is Filomien, and ask her to join her in conducting some research. The girl says ‘O that would be fun! My name is Sacha. What is it you want to research? Filomien says she won’t tell. Sacha things she is being teased.

The Queen is very happy. Filomien asks her dad if Sacha can sleep over. The King is ok. Sacha says it is weird.

Sacha seems to be staying in the Prinses bedroom, and in the night the alarm goes off.

It is 6 AM. Sacha wakes up, and sees the Princess is doing excercises which the alarmclock dictates. Filomien says she want to do some interrogations on the streets.

The girls are grooming themselves. Sacha asks what Filomien means exactly. And the Princess says ‘well we just ask people if they know someone who was pregnant.’

Filomien says they need to be quiet, and leave the castle before everyone is awake. Sacha asks her to help her.

Filomien says that they don’t stay very long. And Sacha wonders if the plaid the princess brings will be their new bed.

Filomien asks were Sacha found the baby. And that’s were they will sit.

Sacha thinks it is very cold. Suddenly they hear noices and a baby crying. Sacha hears it too, and asks if Filomien is brave enough to have a look.

Filomien isn’t afraid. And there seems to be a baby in a basket. And Filomien is running after the person who left the baby, and orders Sacha to mind the baby.

Sacha ‘o no, another foundling… O I am so angry about this… I am not going to take care of the baby.. I am going to get her too.

Sacha made a fence (in one second) and says ‘so, I will stop her here.’

And indeed. The midwife says ‘let me pass child’ Sacha says ‘sorry flying non’.

The midwife says ‘stop, just calm down, I will give myself in. It is all lost. I am sister Tresja. She seems to take off her disguise.

Sacha asks agressively ‘why do you put these children in the streets?’ Filomien says ‘quiet Sacha, this is the famous sister Tresja, of the famous Orphanage of the Hits.

Tresja says ‘O no your highness the Crown Princess! I am deeply ashamed! Gosh.. that damn glasses.’

Sacha remembers the baby ‘O the baby, I wil get her, just a moment’

Filomien says ‘O! with that girl I can really laugh. She has found my stepsister!’ Tresja asks ‘By the way, who is Sacha exactly, she looks familiar to me. Filomien says ‘ Yea, I wonder about that myself.’

Filomien confesses ‘gosh, I was so egoistic. I didn’t even asked her if she wanted to help. I don’t know nothing about her. I only knows she lives with her grandmother.’ Than she realises ‘She is my best friend, whom I have at this moment, but I think she doesn’t like me very much. She will be my best friend. I know it, and I feel it! O! why wasn’t I different towards her. ‘

In the other street. Sacha says ‘come little darling. Come with me. Are you cold? It will be allright. I will make you a little bed, and with this blanket you can sleep very cozy.’

Bah, it is going to rain. We can take shelter under that canopy.’ The baby says ’tata’.

But than KRAK! OOh no

Terrible. BAF. PLETS the baby is crying ‘whaahi! hu! whaaaaaah!

A little accident can have very big consequences. Read on….

the owner of the shop comes astonished outside and says ‘I always thought, that roof would cause an accident’

Shopowner ‘Let’s see .. the hospital.. eh yes here it is .. IIIIIII AAAA !! IIIII AAAA !!

And we have there? Woman ‘O no, help! It is our Lidia!!’ Man ‘Be still darling, this is not our Lidia’. Baby is still screaming ‘waaah! waaah! waaah!

The rain is gone. The woman holding the crying baby says ‘Is this another foundling? OOO and my child is gone, and I only have Sjaantje, but where is my Lidia.. snif..’ The shopowner is thinking ‘hope the ambulance is coming soon ‘

Filomien has arrived at the place were Sacha lies, and it looks like the whole village has come at the place. Tresja asks the woman ‘Give me the baby. O, she only has a few scratches. A baby can handle a lot.’ ‘I hope so’, the woman replies.

the ambulance has arrived. The shopowner asks if Filomien can join the ambulance because she is her best friend. The nurse says it is ok.

Fortunately Sacha is soon better.

Everything has a good ending. Filomien needs to be silent of her dad. Tresja of the Orphanage of the Hits, The punishment is forgiven because she showed a lot of remorse. After all, she wanted to save children from the children’s home. Vrouwe, now gets the baby that Filomien and Sacha have found.

Filomien has now a very best friend Sasja. And everyone is happy eventually.

The End

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Thema door Anders Norén
