
” Above all else, my deepest aspiration is to awaken the muse within you “


starting project with AI, researching EGO. Had a short conversation with Jan Geurtz, a dzochgen teacher, about AI.

Jan Geurtz didn’t say much of AI, just that he didn’t like disko achtig. And invited me to a stream of integer musicians who are working together for the same goal. But I always seem to miss the cutting edge in spiritual circles, And I was far-to-caught-up in the absolute profound joy I found in working with AI. The second track I send Jan, he thought the vocals were very sweet. I am still thinking about this answer.

I am curantly making a website for this project:

Going to share with you some process. I am filling up some gaps in the drawing – discipline, because of a dying dog.

Mantra’s put on music by AI. Going viral by Hieperdepieprecords 🙌😊🍄💥

Shri Veer. Just one mission, to bring the magic closer to the ear, with AI and Tibetan Buddhism, and old Hindi filosophy, as bridge.


I found a very old shamanistic shant in the the Incantating of the Medicine when Administring Them. Very profound. Can now put all inspiration and prostrations, to my favorite medicine plants online.

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© 2024 Veerland

Thema door Anders Norén
